Welcome to the Basepoint Blog.
Welcome to the Basepoint Engineering Blog. This introduction post is meant to provide a guideline to everyone interested in what our plan is. We plan on posting interesting articles weekly about the things we are working on and thinking about. If you are interested in staying in touch take a second to join our mailing list so we can notify you about new content. We will primarily be focusing on the three areas listed below:
Lifting Equipment:
We have years of experience working with all types of lifting equipment. Everything from designing below the hook lifting equipment as per ASME B30.20 all the way up to building derricks for service rigs and drillings rigs. Basepoint will have a strong focus on below the hook lifting devices as this is a personal interest of mine. I believe the limiting factor in the lifting equipment business is often the engineering and so I see an opportunity to be in this space providing information and engineering support to operators and manufacturers. Over time, we will be releasing a series of articles and products to help people start building spreader bars and other lifting equipment either for themselves or to sell for profit. Eventually, I hope to have a fully stocked online store of drawings for download. Spin off services for lifting equipment will include inspection, reverse engineering and custom design of lifting equipment.
Structural Inspection:
In Canada most equipment that lifts a person or lifts something over a person needs to be inspected annually and that inspection requires a review and certification stamp by an engineer. We will be offering structural inspection certifications along with information in the industry right across Canada. Our goal here will be to capture 1-5 person inspection teams that maybe are not big enough to have in house engineering and provide them exceptional third party engineering support.
Custom Engineering:
Most of our career has been spent building custom equipment. This has revolved around mostly the oilfield where we built fracking and pumping equipment, service rigs, drilling rigs, catwalks and more but also in other industries working on commercial trailers, structural products and even the odd agricultural project. At Basepoint we plan on continue this tradition offering our service to design pretty much anything you want. We come from the unique perspective of seeing and working on a variety of equipment allowing us to be comfortable working with pretty much any design. Our approach to all design projects is more of a partnership where we expect the customer to bring a deep knowledge of the product and how its used and we can compliment that with engineering and a designing process that makes for efficient manufacturing.
If that sounds interesting to you then take a second to subscribe to our updates.
Basepoint is going to approach engineering a little differently than most firms. Our focus is going to be providing ready made solutions online rather than a custom experience and custom solution to every problem. Our hope is that we can design products in a really efficient way and spread the cost across many customers reducing the overall price for everyone. We as a company value location independence and opening an office is not in our business plan. We also believe that the engineering sector is underrepresented on the web and plan to make web based engineering a major focus of ours.
Thanks for checking in on our new project and coming with us on this journey. Let me know what you think in the comments.